Jo Portrait

About Jo

I am 67 years old, I live in Buffalo, New York, and I need a B+ type kidney transplant. A living donor is my best chance for survival.

About my illness

I suffer from acute kidney injury (AKI) due to chronic kidney stones. Over the years, the stones cause the kidneys to lose function. And there are side effects, like difficult infections and dangerously low blood cell counts.

How to help

To be my living donor, please call the Erie County Medical Center Transplant office at (716) 898-5001 and select the “Living Donor” option.

They will answer questions about if and how you might help. You would need to identify me by my name Jo Lynn DeGolia and my birthdate, 08/16/1956.

Donation costs are covered by my insurance, and the information you share will be kept confidential with the transplant team.